DiSSECT Graduate Program Evaluation Tool for Racial/Ethnic Marginalized Students

I served within an interethnic graduate student advocacy group, Dismantling Systemic Shortcomings in Education and Clinical Training (DiSSECT), which creates and disseminates open-access resources to facilitate anti-racist change within graduate training programs. Among other contributions within the Marginalized Survival Kit (MSK) Committee, I led the development of an evaluation tool for prospective racial/ethnic marginalized students to assess graduate programs’ commitment to values of EDI and anti-racism during the graduate school application process. Graduate training programs can also use the evaluation tool to “self-audit” or evaluate their own anti-racism efforts across areas of the program.

  1. Provide us feedback on our Graduate Program Evaluation Tool here! 

  2. Watch me and the MSK in action as we share our “Marginalized Survival Kit”!


Repository of Psychology Graduate School Application Resources